Travel Nursing

What Your Travel Nurse Destination Says About You

You’ve probably noticed as a travel nurse that you have many different location options to choose from when planning your next assignment. From the Florida to Alaska, there are great options all over the United States. This blog will tell you what your travel destination says about you.  

Fairbanks, Alaska

If you’re headed to Fairbanks, you probably don’t mind branching out and doing your own thing. You’re the kind of person who values their alone time, but also enjoys the company of others. If you travel to Fairbanks, Alaska, it’s likely that you enjoy nature, wildlife, and the cold given that you’ll be surrounded by it.  

Scottsdale, Arizona

Travel nurses who choose Scottsdale as their number one choice can endure almost anything. You’re a tough one if you can make it through a summer in Arizona, and odds are, you probably enjoyed it. Personality wise, you know how to have a good time and love being in social settings.  

Chicago, Illinois

If this is your first choice as your travel nurse destination, you’re most likely the type of person that likes to stay busy. You like having things to do, places to go, and people to do them with. Your friends would probably describe you as a very outspoken, chatty, and outgoing individual.  

Miami, Florida

Seeing as though you love Miami so much, it can be assumed that you’re the life of the party. However, you’re still very productive and like to stay on top of things. You’re probably the one in the friend group who always makes the plans and coordinates the trips. We can also assume you like to rock bright, neon colors whenever you get the chance.  

Breckenridge, Colorado

Travel nurses who enjoy Breckenridge out of all their other travel assignment destinations are presumably big nature lovers. You are most likely always ready to take a hike, go skiing or snowboarding, look for wildlife, or just sit and listen to the sounds of the outdoors. You’re a relaxed person who gets along with everyone and is down for anything.  

New York City, New York

This travel destination tells us that you’re always staying on top of the trends. You know the latest scrubs, shoes, and other nursing accessories that everyone wants before they even know that they want them. You’re also the kind of travel nurse that knows the hottest spots to go no matter where you are.  

Austin, Texas

Live music, good food, fun times - those are your biggest priorities if Austin is your top choice for your travel nurse destination. Odds are you know all the best bands, songs, music venues, and events if you’re a big fan of Austin, Texas. You probably spend a lot of time with friends and family, where you chat, play games, cook together, and listen to some tunes in your free time.  

Seattle, Washington

If you’re most loved travel nurse destination is Seattle, you probably love to get cozied up with a good book on a rainy day. Social events with a bunch of strangers might not be your thing, but spending quality time with your closest friends is always a good time for you. It’s likely that you value all the relationships in your life and do a fantastic job at maintaining them. 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Nurses who love a good trip to Philly probably love it so much because they feel like they fit in with the locals. You’re definitely energetic, loud, funny, and have a big personality. All you want to do on your day off is sit down at a Philly’s game with a hot dog in your hand and a smile on your face.  

Savannah, Georgia

You’re probably a very laid-back person if your favorite travel nurse destination is Savannah, Georgia. However, this does not mean you’re lazy, you just like to go with the flow. Your southern hospitality tells us that you’re probably an easy person to get along with and you make friends wherever you go. Being a big fan of Savannah also tells us that you most likely have an appreciation for architecture.  

Richmond, Virginia

Thrill seeking travel nurses are often drawn to Richmond if they’re interested in anything to do with the supernatural. You’ve probably been on your fair share of ghost tours if you love visiting Richmond, Virginia on your travel assignments. This tells us you’re the brave one of the bunch that is always looking for the next crazy thing to convince your friends to do. Skydiving? You’ve probably already done it. Parasailing? Checked that one off the list a while ago.  

Washington DC

It’s safe to say that the travel nurses who choose Washington DC as their favorite travel destination were the kids who always loved history growing up. You’re sophisticated and knowledgeable, but you’re also the farthest thing from boring. You like to stay on top of current events and are the person everyone goes to if they have a question or need advice. Your family and friends admire you for your intellect and compassion.  


No matter where you end up traveling on your travel nurse assignments, we know you’ll be able to make the most out of each and every trip. We hope you enjoyed our blog about what your travel destination says about you. If you’re looking for your next travel nurse assignment, check out all our open jobs today!