Per Diem Nursing

How To Get Through Nursing School

Nursing school can be overwhelming at first if you’re not prepared. Longs days and nights of studying are not all you’ll have to do to be a successful student in nursing school. That is why we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks that will help you get through nursing school like a pro.  

Study in the most efficient way that works for you

Knowing the way in which you learn best will help you out immensely when it comes to studying. Start by figuring out if you’re a visual, kinesthetic, or auditory learner. Once this has been determined, you can base your study method off it to get the most out of your time (University of St. Thomas Houston, 2023).  

Joining a study group is another great way to keep you accountable and on track. When studying, it’s important to not just memorize the information, but to also retain it. Study groups will be especially helpful because you can quiz each other, as well as compare notes from lectures.  

While on the subject of lecture notes, you’ll also want to ensure you’re taking detailed notes for each class. Once you’ve taken notes, we suggest going over them several times a week. You can even create an outline of your notes to fully comprehend everything you jotted down (University of St. Thomas Houston, 2023).  

Get into a good routine

Having a solid daily routine that you can follow will keep you organized, motivated, and consistent. Try starting each day by creating a schedule and a list of tasks you want to accomplish. Not only will you be able to get more done in your day, but you will also feel more put together and productive.  

Be as organized as possible

When it comes to nursing school, it’s imperative that you stay organized. With all the notes, notebooks, and other course materials floating around your backpack or home, you’ll want to ensure you can track them down easily when you need to study. Planners, filing systems, and Post-it notes are guaranteed to be your friend during nursing school.  

Remember why you wanted to become a nurse in the first place

Nursing school can be challenging. To help you get through it and persevere, it helps to remind yourself of the reason you initially wanted to enter the field. Maybe you want to help others? Or maybe you are following in the footsteps of friends or family? Regardless, your reason was good enough to get you to start the journey, so let it help you get to the finish line (Concordia University Texas, 2022).  

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

If there’s one thing you especially need to remember, it’s to ask questions. Although you might hesitate to ask questions because you think they’re stupid – don’t. Everyone is probably wondering the same thing, so be sure to speak up and make sure you understand the material. This will set your apart from other students and will even show your instructors that you mean business.  

Communicate and build a relationship with your instructors

As previously mentioned, asking questions is a good way for your instructors to know that you genuinely care about what they’re teaching you. If you engage yourself in class by asking questions and participating, this will without a doubt make you stand out from the other nursing students.  

Start studying for the NCLEX exam early

Get ahead and stay ahead of the rest of your class by studying for the NCLEX exam early. This will give you adequate time to prepare, which will benefit you in the long run. You might even consider getting a tutor who has taken the NCLEX to get more insightful study tips for doing well on the exam.  

Consider nursing school your full-time job

Many nursing students say that once they begin to act as if nursing school is their full-time job, they become even more dedicated to making it a success. Once nursing students adopt this mindset, they focus more closely on the priorities that nursing school demands.  

Get all the necessary supplies

Before you take on nursing school, you’ll want to gather all the necessary school supplies you’ll need. For instance, it would be a good idea to pick up some notebooks, highlighters, notecards, a nursing bag, pocket hand sanitizer, and maybe even medical tools such as a stethoscope or a sphygmomanometer. It’s best to be prepared for this higher level of education, so be sure to check these items off your list before the semester starts.  

Rely on emotional support

When nursing school gets tough, you’ll need your friends and family to turn to. Stay in touch with them and let them know how you’re doing. They’re here to help you and want to support you in any way they can. Just remember to stay open and honest with them so they know when they can be of the most support.  

Balance school with life

Just as important as work life balance, school life balance is also very real and should not be disregarded. Take time out of your schedule to focus on yourself. Spend time with friends, get some exercise, rest as needed, treat yourself to your favorite meal or hobbies, and so on. You’ll thank yourself later, as it will help you even more when school becomes more taxing.  

Keep practicing your skills

As we all know by now, practice makes perfect. Take clinicals seriously and get the most out of your hands on experience opportunities. You can even practice certain nursing skills with friends and family outside of your school setting. Practicing your nursing skills is essential if you want to be the best nurse you can be. Again, you don’t just want to memorize information on paper, you want to be able to put your skills to the test.  


We know that nursing school can be hard, but we hope these tips help you get through it successfully. Favorite believes in you and is here for when you need to search for nursing jobs as a newly grad. We want to wish all current and future nursing students’ good luck on their journey!  

